Friday, May 14, 2010

JNews Round-Up

So what rumors and gossip have come out of the Japanese entertainment world this week?

Matsumoto Jun (Arashi member whose best known acting role is probably as the male lead of Hana Yori Dango) is rumored to be romantically involved with actress Shibasaki Kou (Galileo, Battle Royale). MatsuJun and Shibasaki acted together in a recent special and were spotted having dinner with a group of friends, after which Shibasaki headed over to MatsuJun's place. Shibasaki has been previously linked to actor Tsumabuki Satoshi and lead UVERworld vocalist Takuya.

No idea if this means anything at all or is the usual tabloid gossip. Frankly, I'm just surprised MatsuJun is rumored to be in a relationship with a girl.

Horikita Maki (Nobuta wo Produce, HanaKimi, too many other things to name) will be debuting on stage as Joan of Arc this fall.

It's been rumored for a while that Akanishi Jin was preparing to leave KAT-TUN for a solo career. The fact that he is preparing to go to LA for solo performances while KAT-TUN is touring around Asia, as well as the fact that he is not singing in KAT-TUN's latest single have added fuel to the fire. He denied the rumors that he's leaving, saying "I will not stop (with KAT-TUN)."

It was recently reported that Yamada Yuu (evil girl on Mei-Chan no Shitsuji) and Oguri Shun (Tokyo Dogs) have broken up. Yamada moved out of Oguri's house and they haven't seen each other since. Yamada took part in a UNIQLO (clothing store) presentation where she was of course asked about her relationship with Oguri. She (probably wisely) dodged all the questions and refused to give any definitive answers.

Thanks to Japan Now for the info.

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